Thoughts. Pt 1.

Thoughts. Pt 1.

Last Updated
Revised1965 Sep 1, 2024
Aug 28, 2023
Evan Gao


Aug 28

Took a day off from work to enjoy Nolan’s Oppenheimer. While Nolan did his magnum opus of mixin’ up the timeline in his previous film like TENET, this time not so much, pretty easy to understand. It’s great. Below is my thoughts if anyone cared.
Also took a trip to HK Central Library(Insisted by my friend). Gotta say the books are kinda obsolete esp. for CS and Philosophy. Generally the good ones are in English. I DO like that they publish their middle school test questions, which is significantly easier to revise them before the exam. This is something that will never happen in NCEE(China), which is a shame.

Sep 2

Switched from PikPak to Azure Blob for faster img providing. Such a shame that Azure CDN is needed for custom domain w/ HTTPS to work—Which essentially means more expense—And also a real SSL Certificate(as opposite to a Let’s Encrypt one; No offense tho, I have never paid one nor should a certificate cost money IMO) which will drain even more from me.
Ain’t no way I’m paying this much
Ain’t no way I’m paying this much
The http one sorta works:
—I’m enforcing https so not anymore.(You can use https but of course the certificate is not gonna work as it doesn’t cover my domain)
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They all look unprofessional.
They all look unprofessional.
curlie HEAD | grep '^HTTP' # We get # HTTP/1.1 400 The account being accessed does not support http.
Hopefully it will improve the reading experience. We’ll see.
Vim教程就不变了,需要手动改好累(Sep, 15 UPDATED

Sep 3

Starfield is overly praised BEFORE the launch. Which, to me seemed like a new thing that new generation players do. Pre-order is like doing charity for game devs & publishers especially after Cyberpunk 2077. I would be say this—the fact that the game industry is spoiled and creating shitty games is something every single person that pre-orders games should be held accountable for, not only the game devs.
Starfield looks like modded Fallout 4 which is just modded Skyrim with guns, but this time in space
Starfield itself isn’t a bad game, but it’s overly promoted—by GAMERS. To which I’m speechless. THE FUCKING GAME ISN’T EVEN OUT(I mean its out now but what I’m talking was before that) WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU HAVE A TOXIC DIE-HARD FANBASE??? I feel like there’s a religion thing going on between those degenerates which is just sad—grow the fuck up. Hell I would LOVE to play Fallout in Space. But we gotta understand it’s a Bethesda RPG, they didn’t even swap out their old-ass game engine. To sum up, this is a prime example of setting false expectation due to the crazy, harmful, pompous promotion(from game publishers)/hype(from the fanboys).
—Also, imaging believing in Todd tho, who always does these kind of little lies. Gamers nowadays have no ideas.
Imagin’ payin’ 100$ to play this game early for 5 days. bruh. Are we doing charity rn?
(Youtube link below)
Video preview
Crowbcat makes quality contents.
In fact Todd(CHARISMA 99 SPEECH 99) lied so much that I started to question whether he was actually in the chess club.

Sep 4

(Left: Katex(NCM Math); Right: Local XeLaTex-Compiled pdf(XCharter))
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\mathrm{for}\;\forall A\in E, \mathrm{if}
It’s obviously the Katex version has font kerning in \mathrm While the other one doesn’t. It’s actually my first time noticing this. The right practice is to use \textWhich does have kerning on by default—rather than \mathrm in situations where a word is present instead of a symbol.
—Or we can go the hard way: Manually adjust it.
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\mathrm{f\kern-0.14em or}\;\forall A\in E, \mathrm{if}
Which looks much better. Do notice on the left we have Katex minus another on top of the KERN table. While Katex is definitly not following the standards on this one, myself, much prefer the Katex solution. I love \mathrm more than I love \text .
Also. Fix. This. Shit. 💩💩
The fact that U+2205∅ is mapped to this abomination is unacceptable.

Sep 13

got so much stuff going on. so much shit to do. Exhausted.

Sep 15

将页面的字体换成了Literata。才发现自己犯了严重的错误。看见Display Font我便望文生义为显示体——实际应该是展示体:
display typeface is a typeface that is intended for use in display type (display copy) at large sizes for titles, headings, pull quotes, and other eye-catching elements, rather than for extended passages of body text.
——也就是夺人眼球,风格突出的字体。因此这其实并不适用于一般阅读。我之前用的字体是Playfair Display,本以为「显示体」就是指屏幕显示效果好的字体,阅读舒适的字体,实际上大错特错了。当然Playfair本身是非常好的字体,设计现代,符合口味,也使用了相当多OpenType特性。但因为想换换视觉风格,在对这款Literata一见钟情之后就立马换上了。


这件事的起因其实是我在浏览各种字体的时候看到了下图字体Noto Serif Display。
Noto Serif Display
Noto Serif Display
我虽然仅仅是一个爱好者,但是驽钝如我也能看出来这和之前(当时正在使用)的Playfair Display是一种设计风格。
Playfair Display
Playfair Display
Great Lesson.

Oct 4

TL;DR The main domain of Vercel(i.e. has already been blocked in China a while ago but now its entirety as well.
Vercel is completely dead in China. Even using custom domain would get fucked by gfw with their DNS/SNI pollution. The vercel mirrors of this blog, unfortunately, are also blocked. Many others have reported this problem as well. / → 76.76.xx.xx (polluted)
Upon doing some research on the web, I found that there are 2 popular solution:
  1. Setting CNAME record to which is an official mirror that is usable after gfw blocked . This one does not work for me as it produces the same result as shown above.
  1. Proxying traffic with Cloudflare. Well at the end of anti-censorship it always comes down to this. This works but as usual the performance isn’t ideal. btw is proxyed as well.


Just an ordinary day in China.
…🇨🇳💪 No.1 I guess.

Oct 10

  • 组装羊的时候发现零件内部赫然写着DONGGUAN, CHINA. 是出口转内销了。
    • 内脏部分很好组装,因为其外壳有凹槽,可以直接安装
    • 羊肉部分需要依靠常识和语言能力。因为没有任何辅助,所以这是组装中相对最困难的一部分
    • 成品
  • 迪克开瓶器字如其名,用来开瓶盖的:
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Oct 19

谷歌的Search Console的站点地图提交功能真的做的不好。我的站点地图是 但是提交数次,隔了数天之后发现都无法抓取。如下图。
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上网查了一下问题,发现在提交站点地图的时候,URL应该要写成下面第二行的样式。理由是什么我实在看不出来。 ; Didn't work ; Worked

Oct 26

It seems the Oct 4 situation has been resolved. They unblocked .

Oct 31

Finished watching HBO’s Chernobyl(2019). Loved it. Especially the filming techniques as well as VFX and music. Kudos for creating the eerie and disturbing feeling during the disaster—They nailed it.
Very watchable from a aesthetic perspective.

Nov 3

Ain’t no way
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Nov 8

1 manko

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  • 打破「第四面墙」。
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若是玩过月姫R,肯定知道在アルクェイド線【公主线】中,志貴在两人快活一夜之后,在公主决意同罗亚交战之时的真情流露:不想分开。此时磨菇是通过公主(恋に落ちたの少女)视角来写其得知志貴的告白的场景的——少女心爆棚。背景音乐是作品主题曲生命線的钢琴变调(Moonline),给人一种everything will be alright的放心和欣慰感——仿佛才子佳人终得团圆一般——但此时每个人都知道,不可能如此,作为游玩者,我的心中更多的是感动和知道要失去的遗憾和无奈。
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2 emo

(1より 通关之后有点情绪 胡思乱想就emo了)


The year is 2012.
now listening的这首歌 放課後ストライド是我上n站听的第一首歌。当时顶着480p,没钱开premium看得十分喜欢。直到15 16年鹿乃开通youtube频道,上传的第一支影片就是它(1080p),我才知道原来这么清晰。亦是我第一次接触到鹿乃(ゆいこんぬ同样翻唱过这首vocal,那个版本也很不错)和Last Note.的歌曲。那时她应该才开展活动一两年左右,主要翻唱v家曲目。同时,这也是我第一次读日文原文的轻小说(ミカグラ学園組曲,御神乐学园组曲)这也是这首歌的衍生作品。仍然很喜欢明菜的画风,仍然很喜欢一宮エルナ。
那几年我还打过不少osu. 这首歌过了一段时间后也被制成谱面,同样也是我最喜欢打的一张。
已经十年了,Last Note.早就结婚并结束活动,n站也越来越没落。真的很快。

Nov 18


  • 说到15年,15年有什么呢?
    • 装好人生中第一台自己花钱的PC(原来都是玩主机/掌机)
      • GTX970
      • i7-4790(没有解锁,这块主板也没啥好超频的)
      • 32GB DDR3
      • ROG B85-PRO GAMER
      • 三星的某个4k显示器(具体型号不记得了)15年的4k,还是挺稀有的,970也很难带起来。r6最高画质好像才40多帧。结果还是调成1080p来玩。
      • 这台机子在20年坏了,CPU的问题,于是就换了现在还在用的电脑。内存条至今还留着。
    • 创建了Steam帐号。之前知道Steam的存在,但是当时游戏PC还是相对少见的。更多人玩主机,出于前者太贵的原因,我也是这样。所以在装机之前不久就立马注册了一个帐号。(其实在这之前还注册过一个帐号,玩一些配置要求不高的游戏。但是帐号和密码都不记得了,现在已经没法登录进去了。)
    • GTA5 PC
    • 虽然这之前两年已经在ps3/4上玩了两年了,但是装机也有一部分是为了玩PC版,享受次世代画质。其实在玩PS4版的时候已经被惊艳到了,画质大提升,加载时间也很快。玩过的人都知道,PS3上这游戏的加载时间是很长的。更别说你得先加载到故事模式才能加入多人战局,慢死人。
    • R6S
    • R6也是刚发售就买了(年末)但是当时服务器(AWS)很烂。大陆连过去200+ms。这游戏刚出热度并不算很高。而且还有外挂问题,所以其实前期没怎么打。加上之后全境封锁也出了,跑过去玩那个了。虽然服务器和外挂问题还是一坨屎,但是后者好歹不是全PVP,影响没那么大。之后一两年,可以说是R6的黄金时段(Y1-Y2S2)。大概是在这一时段,R6为了提高游戏品质,搞了「健康行动」,但是仍然挺烂。此时R6的亚服换到了Azure上。我可以裸连,因为服务器在HK,所以就9ms. 体验很好,不会掉线。R6玩了很长时间,同时结交了许多持续至今的好友,仍然在一起玩。收获还是很多的吧。大概出到18年之后就没玩了(大概是在香港那个季度,这游戏对画面作出重大更新之后),变味了。不够Tactical了,一切以Competitive为导向,成为了个快餐游戏,干员的技能也越来越抽象。然后服务器还变烂了。地图瞎jb改,武器瞎jb削,这教人怎么玩。
我会说,16年之前都是The good ol’ times. 当时的大作基本上品质都很高。(除了Ubisoft,已经开始走下坡路)


我不是很懂为什么Steam要blur 🔞(或者擦边)游戏。我没在steam上买过黄油,但是会买一些有意思的游戏,只要涉及到一些性主题,明明没有漏点(例如上面的ウーマンコミュニケーション也要被这样审查),实在是过头了。这样一方面,会在我的Profile上出现,并且由于Blur效果,相当于昭告别人我在玩色情游戏,而我实际并没有。还不如正大光明地放出来。此外,既然CP2077都能在国区上架,这些没有裸露内容的反而不给上,大概是交了类似「保护费」之类的,也挺不公平。
这三款游戏都没有裸露内容(要说有的话,F&H是有的,但是那是艺术品),然而国区都不给上,但另一款游戏The Coffin of Andy and Leyley (Good Game)都能上架。
Incest is Wincest
Incest is Wincest

Dec 3

Was informed that the developer Nemlei of the game The Coffin of Andy and Leyley got doxxed because of {the incest subplot, Her being a trans} and it turned out the latter being a fake news. That’s is pretty sad. You can dislike the game to any degree you want but you don’t doxx someone.
I do notice that incest is some sort of taboo among westerners. Japanese have lots of stuff that depicting incest and people are fine about it.
  • it’s cute and fictional, so what.
That is to say— people played this game because of its funny & adorable characters, the plot, the art…anything but INCEST however I don’t exclude incest from the all the gimmicks (not in a derogatory way) this game dishes out. I would not comment on the fanbase of this game (and I consider most of them reasonable and just really loving the game. hell who would not like fan-made stuff) as I generally consider myself a player rather than a fan : I play games for fun. Besides I believe incest happened a lot in the west than east. Religious reasons I suppose. We all know incest is sicken IRL but this literally is a game. As a chinese myself I’m not interested in real life incest. However I have played/ read/ enjoyed many works that contains explicit incest. Some people can take on what Markarov did in Modern Warfare 2’s No Russian of killing hundreds of innocent people but cannot take on ficitonal incest yet their society(western) probably has the highest incest rate in real life.
  • That’s hypocrite.
Nothing justifies the action of doxxing someone. You don’t like the game, don’t buy it. Talk shit at the developer as much as you want.
  • But Doxxing? Too far. 🤡
Anyway I genuinely hope Nemlei her self is safe. I do wish for more games from her.


Feb 2


  • 死神に育てられた少女は漆黒の剣を胸に抱く (2018より)
  • 王女殿下はお怒りのようです(2019より)
  • 田中~年齢イコール彼女いない歴の魔法使い~(2016より)
  • 西野~学内カースト最下位にして異能世界最強の少年~(2018より)


写上面的时候看见森海的小馒头(Momentum TWS)四代上京东了。时间过得真快啊,我记得19年国庆时候(那时候还正好是反送中,没想到已经四年多了)去香港的丰泽买了一代。那时候应该才刚出,两三千,但后面都跳水。不过这耳机在20年还是21年就坏掉了,品控不行啊。今天发现原来都出到四代了,真快啊。

Apr 7

Code 翻译成「码」是不是因为最初的译者在处理与「码」相关的工作的时候都在骂娘的关系?🤔